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Numbers. And numbers matter. Numbers are infinite. Numbers are definitive. Mostly. Sometimes numbers are simply curlicues and ephemera decorating a page. Sometimes numbers hijack facts. Sometimes numbers assassinate truth. And sometimes numbers are on the nose perfect. Numbers can be redemptive. More often than not, numbers are friendly -- friendly enough, wholesome enough, factual enough. Those numbers I like. And true, some numbers are irksome. Speed limits. Weight gain. Credit card debt. Age is only a number, right? True, but its not necessarily a friendly number, except  -- what’s the alternative. 

Anyway, this week’s special number is 150. On Saturday May 19th, Some’tet will be playing its 150th gig. One hundred fifty friggin' gigs! Some’tet will be performing at the American Hotel, 520 S King St, in Seattle's International District, starting about 5 until 7:30pm. And if all this nature/climate/weather crap works out like its suppose too -- the forecast insists that the temperature will be in the mid 70's. And let me say, hallelujah to that number too.