200 Gigs and Happy New Year!
Wrapping up another year, waving ciao as it spins out into the ether. Our final gig in late December was our 72nd gig of the year, and our 200th Some’tet gig overall. Congrats everybody! Best shows of the year -- possibly the Red Bike gig, or any of the VCA gigs, or the Cider Fest gig. But then again, there was something kind of exciting about so many of the Sunday night gigs at the Snapdragon Café, especially in November and December. There was a new burst of energy in the fall. I chalk that up to Dylan Savage being added to our lineup on drums. You can feel the crazy surge of ideas coming from the drum throne. And not to sound flippant, but I think he brings to the band what Magic Johnson did for the Lakers back in the day. Everyone was a better player when #32 was on the court.
What will 2019 bring to Some’tet? It’s hard to say. New ideas. Shit yeah. New and better gigs? Well … I’ve yet to book any substantial gigs for ‘19, but I am hoping the gig-gods will look down upon us and grant Some’tet a few more wishes, maybe some kind of residency in Seattle again like last summer. And if you’re listening gig-gods, we’re also looking forward to Festival season, maybe we can snag a few gigs there too.
There is still talk of recording in late winter. Though so far, it’s mostly been just talk. And we’ve talked about releasing a full-length album this time instead of an EP. We certainly have enough material. But wouldn’t you know, the wheels have yet to start spinning and the engine light is already glowing bright deadly red, and I wish the radio worked.
Well … thanks to all the musicians who sat in with Some’tet this year -- Wes Petersen, Dan Baker, Bill Moyer. Thanks to all the venues that booked us, and an extra special thank you to Megan at Snapdragon and to Pete & Allison at Vashon Events. Everyone here at the ol’ Some’tet headquarters -- Barry, Patrick, Christine, Whitmore, Kevin and Dylan -- wish you all a happy and jazz filled new year. We’ll be at the Snapdragon Café/Home Sweet Home the Bar every Sunday in January. Keep your early afternoon/evening open on February 9th. We will, once again, be a part of the Winona LaDuke Talk on Vashon Island, this time it’s taking place at the Vashon Theater. More info coming soon. Thanks!